Wednesday, December 29, 2004

news from naruse

Hi. Who is using this thing anyway? I thought since you called it "The Hoy Clan" that all the Hoys would be on it but I only see Dad and Selena. Anyhow, the Christmas get together was nice. Grandpa, mom, Asako, Jung, Masayasu, Satoe, Arisa, Pudgy and I were all there. All these pictures were taken by my unskillful hands, so I didn't really get any of me. Mostly I took videos, and I have tons of mom, but I haven't figured out how to put them on DVD's yet.

Next week Mom and I are going to Okinawa. We won't be there long (2 nights and practically only 1 day) but we are looking forward to the vacation anyhow. We'll take pictures.

School starts for me on January 11th. I'm going to Temple University here in Tokyo. I'm a senior (again), but I hope to graduate after summer term (by the end of July). I've been moving to different cities and transferring to different Universities so much that graduating has become a distant dream almost (I started University in 2000 and since then have been to Portland State University, Toyama International University, Kyorin University, University of Maryland, and finally Temple University). I will be majoring in Asian Studies.

I work part time at Isuzu Motors teaching English conversation, business English, and preparation for TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) to the employees (mostly mechanics, designers, and engineers). I teach at the factory so it is quite an experience what with all the noise and people driving around in monster trucks. I've been teaching for them since May of 2003 and I'll probably stay here part time as long as I am in the Tokyo area. Because I can teach evening classes it is easy to work there and do other things like go to school. I also teach private English lessons at home.

Mom also teaches English part time. She works for a small company that contracts with big companies like Toshiba. She works in the office once a week (dealing with clients, answering phones and emails, managing the teachers) and teaches two English classes for Toshiba. She also does translation and interpretation. Sometimes I help with that too, but translating is so strict with deadlines that what with school and being as lazy as I am, I just can't manage to get up off my ass and work that hard. Maybe some day...

Mom is busy without going to work though, because she also takes care of grandpa here at home. He's doing OK but we have had some complications. He has osteoporosis and recently had a crushed bone (I'm sorry, I don't know what this is actually called) in his back because of the weakness. Now, it seems to have healed though. Seeing as the weather is so cold right now, it might be that things will improve and he will be more active once it warms up in the spring.

Yesterday it snowed! I'm pretty sure it didn't snow last year... It's really cold here! But I hear Okinawa is practically a tropical island!!! I don't know, I guess Dad and Selena have both been there before? I haven't.

If anyone wants to plan a vacation to Tokyo, let me know!!! I'd love to see everyone and I can show you the sights!


Blogger selena said...

hi case!
i just started this thing up last night at a request from dad. i'm compiling everyone's email addresses and will be sending out invitations so that everyone can log in.
thanks for your immediate long email! that's great! i hope that mom will agree to post her travelogues. okinawa sounds awesome... it is beautiful there. white sand beaches. kind of like hawaii. similar climate and ocean.
love you!

9:41 PM  

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