Sunday, January 09, 2005


HELLO!!! When are all you fools gonna join the website? I kinda joined 'cause I thought I would get a chance to hear from the Hoys that I don't already communicate with like all the time (i.e. Steve, Chris, Debbie, Tom, Mary, Kathy, Lorri, David, cousins, etc. etc.). Where are you anyway!? I feel dorky writing on this website to my sister (no offense Selena). Please sign up!


Blogger Blaine said...

Here, here. I second that. Like to hear from the rest of Clan. What's up with you posers? Contact Selena if you are having trouble getting signed up. I'd like to hear from everyone and get some photos up from the rest of you.

Love, Blaine

11:38 AM  
Blogger selena said...

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5:32 PM  

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