Sunday, January 02, 2005

Tsunami Relief from Aunt Laura

Hi everyone,
Aunt Laura has made a donation to the tsunami relief in memory of Grandma and Grandpa. Here's the link. Thanks very much, Aunt Laura!

Here's the content:

Dear Hoy Family,

My feeble brain automtically said Bouton. Sorry about that. Maybe you could put it on the Hoy Clan website. I haven't put it in my address book and was afraid I'd lose everything if I tried to bring up your email.
Love to all,
Aunt Laura


Blogger cc said...

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4:40 PM  
Blogger cc said...

I love you all tons! I wish I could have been there this year for the holidays. Your generosity has reminded me of how fortunate and grateful I am to have a loving family. Thank you.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I made a donation to the red cross, but people are telling me that it was a bad idea.. that they are involved in corp. greed. I wonder if anyone has heard anything about this

9:48 PM  
Blogger cc said...

hey kev. that's cool that you donated too. i haven't heard anything bad about the red cross. but i haven't researched it either. i did hear that the red cross uses something like 91% of donations for the actual efforts, which is considered high.

4:30 AM  

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