Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Another Takigawa!

You may have heard the family talking about how rare the Takigawa name is in Japan (瀧川).
Until recently we had heard of just one other Takigawa that was involved in some kind of bank scandal which we saw on the news. Well, Masayasu being the 16th generation Takigawa has recently been informed by Jung that he needs to have another boy! He replied that perhaps Arisa can just marry a guy with the same last name!

We found another Takigawa yesterday though! Her last name was the same, 瀧川! She was a news anchor and half! I think her first name was Crystal. Maybe she has a little brother...


Blogger Nobuko said...

Hoy is not so common either. There is a "Hoy's True Value" in Lebanon, Oregon.

11:10 PM  
Blogger cc said...

we just discovered another Takigawa yesterday as we were walking from Temple University to the New Sanno Hotel. This one was a monk. Nevermind, Takigawa is so not uncommon...

12:26 AM  

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