Friday, December 16, 2005

thanks to the hard work of mom, dad, ian and selena my room after nearly a month of removing wallpaper and making a mess, is ready to live in. my loving family painted the walls yellow with red trim and put in a beautiful red carpet. thank you all Posted by Picasa


Blogger Nobuko said...

You should feel the plush red rug. You could sleep on it.

5:27 AM  
Blogger selena said...

you're welcome... it looks awesome! i can't wait to see it in person! do you feel good in there? it looks like it could be in a magazine. i was having my doubts about that yellow... but that color combo is fab.

6:09 AM  
Blogger Ian Lynam said...


I was telling your mom while we were painting that I really like your color scheme. They are the same tones of red and yellow that some of my favorite graffiti writers/artists use. They are fraternal twins from Brazil who paint under the name "Os Gemeos" and they use those colors a LOT. Like, they were their signature colors for a long time. You can see their work here.

6:17 AM  
Blogger cc said...

cool art there. thanks for the link. yeah, i like the scheme, obviously. it does feel nice. the bright environment is good for you

2:27 AM  

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