Friday, January 20, 2006

tokyo, japan: tropical island paradise

lovely weather this morning in naruse


Blogger cc said...

are we on eastern standard time? when i say happy birthday today, do i mean today or tomorrow? hmm... add 8 hours? i hate time zone equations...

5:39 PM  
Blogger selena said...

i think we're on JST. EST is new york.
yeah, that weather is about the speed of it... of course i had to go to work this morning.

10:06 PM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

Lovely. It took me a few minutes to defrost after coming home from work. Even the trains weren't as crowded as usual. I would've stayed home too if I didn't have to slug my way to Y'hama. Thanks for the winter wonderland pictures, Cassass.

1:02 AM  
Blogger selena said...

thanks for the nice birthday dinner etc. hope you made it home alive.

6:52 AM  

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