Tuesday, September 12, 2006

大江戸温泉 Oedo Onsen on 9/10/06

When you enter the facility, everyone is given a choice of a colorful yukata, therefore both bathers and staff are in Japanese garb. The whole place is decked out like an old-fashioned festival, and if it weren't for dyed and styled hair, it felt like we went back in time into a Japa-Disney-Edo Village.

Stone Sauna - laying on a warm bed of rocks, happy as a clam. This one is recommended!
Doctor Fish - li'l fishies eat the dead skin off your feet. C and I were creeped out and ticklish, but afterwards our feet were smoother than a baby's bottom.

Sand Bath - If your nose itches, you have a problem, as I did, cuz I was buried under a pile of warm sand and couldn't move to scratch my nose. Not so great in the heat of summer but it would probably feel real good in winter.


Blogger selena said...

that looks fun except for the creepy gross part.

10:43 AM  
Blogger cc said...

i particularly liked the ganbanyoku, but the fish-eat-feet thing was quite the experience.

12:42 AM  
Blogger Ian Lynam said...

I particularly enjoyed the fish fry stand next to Dr. Fish.

6:22 AM  

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