Saturday, October 13, 2007

Design assistant

For some reason, Timothy insists on sitting on my lap whenever I work on the computer upstairs.


Blogger selena said...

this is a very cute picture. i can see up your nose.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

I hope he's helpful. I'm not sure he is other than maneuvering the mouse. And providing sugar.

9:11 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

As Timothy's agent and manager, I get a piece of anything he gets.

9:10 PM  
Blogger Ian Lynam said...

So you'd like some Friskies and a lick of cream cheese off of Selena's finger? Gross, dude.

10:34 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Zing. You got me on this one.

9:49 AM  

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