Wednesday, January 12, 2005


we saw danny devito today.
after ian's almost-surgery at kaiser-sucko-permanente, we went to grab some brunch at india sweets and spices, a tiny dive hole in the wall market with a food counter of very cheap and delicious vegetarian food. walking back to the car, we passed the very pleasant starbucks in culver city. ian nudged me.
"hey... that's danny devito."
ian always sees the stars. i can be standing right next to him and miss it. he ran into willem dafoe at whole foods, and saw michael penn at a pizza place in santa monica. i did see danzig in the bookstore in little tokyo, though.
i looked side to side without moving my head. walked a few more steps. then, surreptitiously as possible, glanced around. sure enough, mr. deVito himself. the penguin. ahnold's twin in Twins. wearing a baseball cap pulled kind of low, but unmistakable. about time. i mean, what did i move to LA for, anyway?


Blogger Blaine said...

How exciting for you!!! You must be having difficulty sleeping with the chills of it all. I haven't seen many folks, ever really. Oh well, I guess I'll somehow get by. Keep us informed of any future celeb sightings.

Love you; our old man.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

Was he really about the same in width and height?

9:31 PM  
Blogger selena said...

Dad - I certainly was quivering with excitement. Mom - he was sitting down, so I didn't see his height. He looked about the same weight as his films, though. He's not round, if that's what you mean. He was the spitting image of himself.

11:40 AM  
Blogger cc said...

i hope the surgery went okay!

i felt like the link to who danny devito is was especially for me. i guess you know there are a few of us who really are clueless.

3:57 AM  

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