Monday, March 07, 2005

san jose, one more day

we missed our flight!
like a dumbass, i looked at the wrong time on our itinerary... we showed up at the airport promptly three hours before our flight from phoenix to los angeles. unfortunately, our flight from san jose to phoenix had left two hours earlier.

so we are in beautiful san jose one day more. today we'll check out the contemporary museum of art and design, the market shops which were closed yesterday, and we'll eat cinnamon ice cream and young coconuts, called pipas here, rather than cocos helados as they're called in mexico.

see you tuesday...


Blogger Blaine said...

What did that cost you? Sorry for your misfortune, but it's best to make it into a happy thing as you did by extending your stay. Have a safe flight home.

6:43 PM  
Blogger cc said...

wow, nice to know i'm not the only person who does dumbass and brain dead like things. san jose sounds really nice though! what an iteresting itinerary though. san jose to phoenix to los angeles. crazy.

9:38 PM  
Blogger selena said...

yeah, it was $100 each. sucks, but them's the wages of sin. or idiocy.
the reason for the crazy itinerary is that america west's hub is phoenix. they only operate one flight a day to CR, which explains why we were stuck there and had to stay an extra night. it was cool, though. and we had a really interesting pilot who kept pointing out cities in mexico and even a smoking volcano! in nicaragua as we flew over them.

8:03 PM  

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