Thursday, March 03, 2005

swim swam swum

what's better than riding through the jungle on a bicycle? perhaps all the butterflies on the way. arriving at a beautiful warm beach! here's one of me in the jungle.


Blogger Nobuko said...

Today it's snowing. Cold and miserable. I'm hauling my butt to Tokyo in the cold. Think of me.

7:29 PM  
Blogger cc said...

Man, jealousy has overwhelmed me. A man slipped in the snow in Shibuya today and broke his leg, only to go to the hospital and watch himself the fool on national news. I took my time walking so as not to cause a scene.

3:28 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Sounds like a really nice place to visit. Glad you are having an enjoyable time.

10:04 AM  

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