Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ishizuka Hidehiko

Originally uploaded by selenahoy.
Yesterday we saw Ishizuka Hidehiko on the train. A very famous TV personality in Japan, he specializes in shows about food - but is so ubiquitous, you can hardly turn on the television without seeing him on one show or another. Ian spotted him first. He boarded the Oimachi line at Kaminoge, and though in the next car, Ian said - "hey, I think the big guy with bleached hair from TV just got on the train one car over". Mom and I both said - "where? I doubt it. nah...". We noticed, however, that quite a few heads were turned in that direction. At the next stop, FutakoTamagawa, we changed to the Denentoshi line, and cheekily got on the same car as the suspected celebrity. Sure enough, it was him. He was wearing high-waisted camouflage pants, rolled down, a black tank top, and reflective sunglasses. He was also carrying a red leather purse. He faced the window, not looking at anyone, but the car was abuzz with whispers. He got off a few stations later, at Takatsu. He was one of the only people to get off the train. The young couple sitting in front of us watched him get off and wondered aloud... "where is he going?"


Blogger Nobuko said...

I didn't believe Ian. I told him, "It's probably just somebody that looks like him." But sure enough, it was him.

7:05 AM  

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