Wednesday, May 11, 2005

and Happy Mother's Day to Minori, too

and Happy Mother's Day to Minori, too

Here's Minori Takigawa, with Mami, Nobuko & Asako,
Spring, 1957, in Jingu-Gaien, Tokyo. In the
background is, I think, the National Diet Building.


Blogger Blaine said...

Great picture. I know you have a lot more than we do.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Masayasu Takigawa said...

Thank you for this!
Actually the building is Kaiga-kan
(not the National Diet) near Shinanomachi-station, also near

Not yet born Masayasu

2:34 AM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

Thanks for the correction, bro. I wish I had found a picture with all four kids, but it was hard to go through the 10 million pictures in the house.

6:42 AM  

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