Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Well, Mark and Lesley *****, from jolly old England offered us our asking price for the house and we will pay $3000 toward closing costs. All in all an excellent outcome. We will close either late July or early August. Hopefully we will not have an underlap with purchasing a new house and selling this one - we need the proceeds from this house to buy the next one.

On another note, Kev and I cancelled our purchase of the townhouse - too many negatives. We are back on our original track looking for a house with a very large lot and lots of parking.

I did get the job working at the Albany wastewater treatment facility. I will work just a few hours a day for about 6 weeks or so. I will be collecting effluent water quality data for several large companies with discharge permits.


Blogger cc said...

cool. gotta love those islanders

11:11 PM  
Blogger selena said...

i heard they have a three legged dog.

6:35 AM  
Blogger selena said...

well, ma thought maybe their names should be anon. what do you think? is that sufficient?

6:22 PM  
Blogger selena said...

how's the water effluence treating you? does effluence mean poop?

6:41 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Effluent is any discharge from a particular source. In my case the effluent is industrial discharge into the sewer system. I am working at the wastewater treatment facility, but what I do is test effluent at the business locations, primarily for pH. The companies include food industries, metal works (WA-CHANG) and other similiar facilities. I will only work about 2 hours a day in the a.m. At least it will get me out of bed early.

2:55 PM  
Blogger selena said...

is that legal, having you work only 2 hours? i thought there was a law that employers have to give you at least 4 hours of work (or, if you don't work for 4, they have to pay you for 4).

5:55 PM  

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