Sunday, July 10, 2005

ground cherry market

ground cherry
Originally uploaded by selenahoy.
Today we went to the 46,000th day festival at Sensoji Temple in Asakusa. It was thronging with people buying these plants by the branch and the pot. I managed to light a few candles in the fray, and we wandered the grounds and ate some snacks. It's a cool place, and Kannon is a main deity for this temple.


Blogger cc said...

i love the deep reds in these photographs of the ground cherries and the watermelon. it's awesome

10:16 AM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

Yeah, really nice colorful photos. According to some net research, everybody buys the ground cherry or "ho'ozuki" as a symbol of fruitfulness in their lives. It is edible- it's got a fruit inside of the papery skin, kind of like a tomatillo. Also, if you went to this temple and prayed yesterday, it is equivalent to praying 46,000 times. The ho'ozuki is also a popular obon offering.

4:51 PM  
Blogger selena said...

thanks! i was really wondering. and hey, i prayed 46,000 times! too bad i didn't buy any ground cherries. maybe next time. only 45,999 more days to go.

9:31 PM  

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