Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Asako!

家 はどこ行ってもネコがいた。ニューヨークではあさ子が2歳ぐらいのときネコをしっぽをつかんで振り回していた。(その話は何度も聞いたでしょ。)この写真 ではネコが木の枝からぶら下がっているけど。。かわいそうに。だけど今はネコを自分の子供のようにかわいがっている。ネコ女。《人のことはあまり言えな い。自分の家もネコ屋敷。)
Akasaka, Tokyo, 1967. The Birthday Boy and Girl. We always had cats wherever we went. When we lived in New York when Asako was 2, she used to swing the cat around on its tail. (She's heard that story a million times). (Look at this picture - there's a cat hanging from the tree - poor thing) But now, she loves cats like they're her own children. Cat Woman. Of course, I can't talk, we live at the Cat Club.


Blogger Blaine said...

Happy Birthday. Your family has a lot of great pictures. We don't have so many in our family (from the early days when I was a kid). It is nice to see so many wonderful photos. I am glad your parents were crazy with cameras - it gives you and us a lot of memories.

4:09 PM  
Blogger selena said...

happy birthday!

4:24 PM  
Blogger selena said...

poor cat! but those pictures are really Cute.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Masayasu Takigawa said...

Happy Birthday Asako!

Yes, it was a Cat House, Cat Club,
Cat Apartment House,Cat Mansion, whatever you call it.

Someone would throw in a cat from the street to our house back yard(dead or alive, true).

But those cats were cute.
Dont think I was always beating them I was just a kid and didnt know how to love.

7:46 PM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

Asako said the hanging cat looked like ramen.

11:09 PM  
Blogger asako said...


6:15 PM  

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