Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Masayasu (Machan)

Mother & Son. Buenos Aires, Argentina. October, 1963. This is what I remember. We lived in a haunted house. There was a rooftop terrace where my father used to sunbathe nude. We stacked up the living room cushions up to the ceiling, then got on the very top of the cushions and toppled to the floor. Remarkably we were still alive. Machan would eat in his high-chair and dinner time would be over and he would still be eating. The babysitter tried to clear his plate and he would cry very loudly.(You probably heard that story about a thousand times). お誕生日
おめでとう!Feliz Cumpleanos! Although I´m a day late... There was a courtyard in the middle of the house, with a small fountain. We would look at the water going down the drain and talk about how the water swirls counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere. (?) Altho Masayasu was too small to talk. Do you remember Buenos Aires? The enchanting city of your birth?


Blogger cc said...

what a vivid memory to share with the blog. more more more!

12:54 AM  
Blogger selena said...

these are great pictures!!! happy birthday machan! i remember you running around the house in a towel. my hip young uncle.

2:12 AM  
Blogger Masayasu Takigawa said...

thanks for the great strories.
i ve only "heard" about them.

but it's beginning to make me think i remember all of it.

mom (minori) is so young and cute!

7:39 PM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

You're right. She looks young and cute. I see myself in her face. Not necessarily the young and cute part, just a resemblance.
Machan was a cute baby.

11:11 PM  

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