Thursday, March 30, 2006


Blogger invite expired apparently, I tried to use it a couple of weeks ago to send you all a general announcement and a picture, and had trouble with the picture and ended up getting kicked off line when someone called. and never got back to it until today when I discovered once you open it it expires. So anyway the news is.... depending whether you are my sibling, niece, nephew, cousin or in-law...... you now have a new apply designation here.... relative. I have become the legal guardian of a little boy named Gibran. He is 4 years old and I met him when I was working in a hospital in San Jose. He and I are going to continue to live with Kathy for awhile and see how things go. He loves being here and so far Kathy has no complaints... none that she's told me anyway. Anyway I'm gonna try and send a picture again. we'll just see how it goes... I think it should be easier by e-mail then that blogger thing. But I make no guarantee.

From Mary!!!!


Blogger selena said...

Welcome Gibran!!! I can't wait to meet you!!!!

12:40 AM  
Blogger cc said...

he is adorable!!!! you can't leave us with so little... tell me more about this little cutie!!!

4:41 AM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

Really?? How exciting, he is very cute!

9:37 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

I don't think it expires. You just need to click on the comments and log in to make a post. If you are posting an original item, you can click on the Blogger in the upper left and it will take you to a log in area. Selena can explain it better than me. But we are all dying to hear more about Gibran. So get to it and fill us in you slacker.

3:58 AM  

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