Sunday, March 12, 2006

oze ski awesomeness

oze ski awesomeness
Originally uploaded by ianmgrn.
We went to Oze in Gunma this weekend to ski. It was very pretty, and most of us took a stab at the mountain. The tall building on the right is the hotel where we holed up to eat junk food and play games in the cafeteria. We stayed at this ryokan, which was simple and reasonable.

photo credit: ian, who tackled the green, blue, AND red courses.


Blogger Nobuko said...

Its nice of you to call it simple and reasonable. The onsen bath was interesting. The fluffy white flakes floating in the water were "dead skin flakes" to Selena, but the locals call it "oyu no hana" or "Hot water flowers." That sure sounds better than dead skin.

5:50 AM  

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