Friday, February 17, 2006

cup o' noodle

cup noodle
Originally uploaded by selenahoy.
i remember i used to love these when i was a kid. the chicken flavored ones. i loved to eat it barely cooked, still almost crunchy. extremely al dente. now it's oriental flavored top ramen for me.


Blogger Nobuko said...

Cup noodles, Kraft macaroni and cheese, Spaghetti O's.. typical junky food.
Was there an admission or was the Snow Festival in the street?
How far was it from the hotel?

6:12 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

What? You're making CRACK for dinner??

3:40 PM  
Blogger cc said...

yeah, i remember liking the ol' chicken flavor. but it was just the noodles i'd eat. the actual chicken bits were quite disgusting. dried and then drenched...

11:18 PM  

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