Monday, April 03, 2006


Gibran or Gibby was born January 5, 2002, @ 29 weeks. he suffered from many breathing as well as gastric difficulties. He has been mechanically ventilated since birth until recently. for about a year he has only needed the Vent at night or when he was really, really sick. About a month ago Gibran graduated from needing a ventilator at all. He now only requires some extra Oxygen. usually about 1-2 Liters or 24-28%. We breathe 21%. He takes the same respiratory medications as someone with asthma, only, not quite as frequently. He had surgery 2 years ago for acid reflux. The sugery is called Nissen Surgery and he is now fine. He still has a gastic feeding tube at this time because he still has not mastered eating and drinking yet, but will with both his environmental changes as well as therapy changes. Right now he's still afraid to swallow because he only knows what it felt like before to eat, and needless to say doesn't want that pain. He will lick food, he likes the salt or the sweet, and he drinks water, and brushes his teeth, but is really afraid to swallow food. Gibran has made great strides in the last year, but especially in the last few months. He is now walking more, talking more, potty training, and off the vent. He also now goes to preschool. He is a little delayed, but expected to be on track by the time he starts kindergarten. Since Christmas he has gained 10lbs and grown 3 inches. He's a big boy for his age he weighs about 47lbs and is about 43inches tall. Gibran will mostly likely, (not definately) always require extra Oxygen, but other than that we are hoping will suffer no more difficulties than say someone with severe asthma. For awhile Gibrans parents were involved even though, they didn't come much to see him. Since I met him in August of 2004, his Mom has only come once to see him and that was when we told her we were having a party for his 3rd birthday, she came with his siblings to the facility where Gibran lived. Gibran got very sick that February and had to go to an Acute hospital. He almost died. His Mother went to the Hospital on the day she was told he might die, and was there for about 15 minutes and said she was gonna get a burger and be right back and never returned. Not knowing whether he lived or died. As well that night same story with Dad, he showed up hung out for about and hour, had a fight with his girlfriend and left. never knowing or inquiring what happened to Gibran. Eventually the state stepped in filed abandonment charges. Sooo... Gibran starts doing better, doesn't really require living in a hospital, can go into foster care, and I don't want to see that happen, he is very attached to me and I to him. So I file to become his Legal Guardian, and On March 23, become just that. In 60 days (instead of the normal 120) We can begin the adoption proceedings to Change his name to Hoy. It takes about another year for this to happen usually. So hopefully by the time he starts kindergarten we will be all set. He loves Nemo, and Kitty Cats, Is a Tall Boy wears 5T or 6, Even his shoe size has gone up by 2 sizes since Christmas, he now wears a size 10 shoe. We have alot to work on, but thank goodness we have alot of help. the state provides home heath nursing care for when I'm at work. And when I'm sleeping too. we haven't started with them yet but are gonna meet a few this week to see who we like. They also supply all his medical needs, from the Oxygen to doctor visits, to perscriptions. I just have to supply love and a sense of security. And the standard things that any Southern California Kid requires, Annual Passes to Disney... Ha Ha. Anyway thats pretty much the Story, Gibran is really enjoying living here and Kathy is enjoying him alot more than she thought she would. So we have our hands full here, but its just great. So I'm gonna try and send a picture again, but I don't know if its gonna work.

Take care all,
as always,
love mary


Blogger Ian Lynam said...

Mary, you are rad!
Love, Ian

4:42 PM  
Blogger cc said...

yay!!!!! that's so COOL!!!! I can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family!!! WOW!!!! thanks so much for the post! so looking forward to the pictures! say hi to gibran from his cousin cassandra!!

love you lots and take care!

6:52 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...


You covered everything I was curious about. The only thing that remains is letting us know how we can help, if we can. Of course we can presents and stuff. I have a Furby I want to send which I will get out into the mail tomorrow. Let us know if you ever want to visit Japan with Gibby - we'd love to show him around - including a trip to Disneyland - of course, we realize it may be too soon for him to travel, so we may have to come and see him out your way.

Seriously, let us know how we can help. You go girl.

Love, Blaine.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

Congratulations, Mary! He sounds like he's been through a lot. He's lucky to have you, and vice versa, I'm sure. Looking forward to seeing you and Gibran soon!
Love, Nobuko

2:56 PM  

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