Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Sunroom is wrapped

Sheathing is up on all sides. Now the fun begins - trying to hide all of my mistakes and seal things up good. Then painting and interior work; paneling, ceiling, fan with light, carpet, trim, yada, yada, yada. My right hand is numb from operating the air driven nailer. I can barely write my name. But I'm having a lot of fun. I think there is a future in this construction stuff. Perhaps buying handyman specials and renovating them then sell for profit. Maybe.

Where did the Winter and Spring go? It's already summer here, at least for the moment.


Blogger selena said...

hey dad - sounds great. i'm excited to see it. the fixer-upper thing sounds good. i think that's what my landlord, dan does. he used to be a casting agent, but now has some property... and seems to do a lot of the work himself. i think he installed a lot of the stuff in our place, which is nice in a basic way, with hardwood floors and simple fixtures.

i MIGHT be able to see your progress in person... deirdre is having a bridal shower in corvallis on the 19th, and though we need to pack and stuff, i'm THINKING of flying up for the weekend, maybe using some FF miles. not sure yet. we'll see how busy it will be here...

8:01 PM  
Blogger cc said...

i wish i could see it!!! i want to go to corvallis! i'd like the chance to go before the house is no longer but, i guess we'll see. i am the worst student ever to set foot on temple university grounds... i am flunking right out.

4:30 PM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

Can't wait to see the progress. Sounds great.

5:32 PM  

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