Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Yesterday we had the inspection for the house we are buying and today for this house. Some semi-minor problems with the new place and very minor issues on this one. A leak under the sink, the GFI outlet in the sunroom is defective or broken. A couple of other minor items. Looks good for this place to go through to closing.

The Beaverton house has a few other issues: some roof shingles missing or defective, dryer vent disconnected and venting to the attic, bathroom vent incorrectly vented, furnace at the end of its life, family room needs new carpet, smoke detectors need to be replaced (owner's responsibility) and some other minor stuff.

Things seem to be going ok on both ends and we should be closing on both houses on the 29th. I'll keep you posted.


Blogger selena said...

those problems all sound pretty minor and easily fixable. a few tiles, a bit of venting... nothing a seasoned vet like yourself can't take care of for the most part!
sounds good to me.

9:45 PM  
Blogger cc said...

coolness. very cool. can't wait for you to come here so we can work on some projects for the naruse house.

3:21 AM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

Thanks for the update. Sounds like it shouldn't be too hard, hopefully. Betty said that our timing was right becuz 1000 employees took voluntary separation in May, which means they could be putting their houses up on the market real soon. The timing is crazy for closing both houses on the same day? But I suppose it's ok?

7:06 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Ticor Title and our realtor said simultaneous closing are not uncommon, though it is worrisome a bit. We'll see.

7:11 AM  
Blogger selena said...

so... corvallis in the morning and portland in the afternoon? all parties have to be present to sign stuff or something?

7:42 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

That is my expectation. We'll see as we get closer.

11:18 AM  

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