Wednesday, August 31, 2005

if i only had a brain

if i only had a brain
Originally uploaded by selenahoy.
while scootering through the fields en route from naruse to tokaichiba, you can see many straw people.

Monday, August 29, 2005

mr. pointy

mr. pointy
Originally uploaded by selenahoy.
takashi murakami's statue in roppongi hills. i'm not a huge fan of some of his other stuff, but i do like his sculpture stuff. the pond dates from the edo period and is filled with medaka fish, which are descended from the fish born in space, taken up by astronaut noguchi.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

And a Few More

You Asked For It, You Got It

Assorted pictures of the improvements to the house.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Happy Birthday, to a Wonderful Girl (and a funny one too)!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 22, 2005

three sisters

since you guys don't post, here's another one. we found this gem whilst cleaning out the house a few weeks ago. sorry, the scanner's not large format and i don't have good photo editing software on this machine, so the edges are chopped.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

ginza @ night

ginza @ night
Originally uploaded by ianmgrn.
ian took this photo the other night after kabuki. the beverly hills of tokyo! so expensive. haircut, anyone?

Monday, August 15, 2005

selena's class pic

selena's class pic
Originally uploaded by selenahoy.
Making a baking soda volcano with the kids at Smiley Naruse.


hey guys.
we've been getting a lot of spam comments lately. so i changed the settings so that only members of the weblog can comment.
too bad.
but if there are any familly members out there who would like to comment/be added, please contact me and i'll help you become a member. it's easy~!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

No More Hiroshima, No More Nagasaki

60 years ago today (August 9th Tokyo Time, 8th in the U.S.), the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. 3 days earlier (August 6th Tokyo Time, 5th in the U.S.), America dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Combined, over 140,000 people were killed immediately, and twice as many over time. This year thousands of people (including A-bomb survivors) gathered in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the anniversary dates to advocate for peace.

Friday, August 05, 2005

cassass's photos

hey guys, cassandra has started her own photo site, too. check out the new link in the sidebar.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


We have completed the closing on both houses and have unloaded the trucks. I was lucky enough to hire a crew on short notice to help with unloading all the junk we have - and I mean JUNK (well, mostly). Anyway, the new frig is due tomorrow as are the estimators for the plumbing (water to frig) and the HVAC guy for the new furnace and a/c. We are going to check on the carpet and some beds tonight.

Kev and I had a thought for a possible business here - selling real live futons - Japanese style - I can't find any at all. Could be a nice little niche to get into. I'll keep you all advised as to progress. One more trip to pick up the stuff (junk) in storage. Love to all.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Happy Birthday to Papa (Masahisa)

From top to bottom: Masahisa at age 19 in front of his home in Tokyo (Jan, 1936); as a young man in his 20s; with his grandfather, Junichiro Takigawa; and as a little boy with his tricycle. He would have been 87 today. Happy Birthday, Papa!

Monday, August 01, 2005

OK, One More Time with Fingers Crossed

Our buyers signed the papers today and funds should be available for the new house tomorrow, Wednesday at the latest. I'll keep you posted. All in all, not too many problems for a do it yourself deal.

Happy Birthday

Originally uploaded by selenahoy.
A contribution
In Memory of
Masahisa Takigawa
has been made to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.
This gift will help make possible a healthier, happier future for many of the world's neediest children.
Happy Birthday, Grandpa