Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hi it is Kaleigh..

So I haven't the slighest idea what I am doing, I am unfamiliar with this website and feel rather foolish trying to figure it out, but fear not i will! So i have decided to take part is this whole blog experience if you will; i am really impressed that you guys have kept it going so long and its only right that i do my part as well. Anyway i miss you all very dearly and appreciate all the happy birthday posts its nice to know that you thought of me when you didn't have to. Out of sight doesn't have to be out of mind. I have thought about all of you guys as well! I am working on a project right now for the family with lots of photos! I told selena about it and I can explain it to you all later or you can ask her. Right now I am in palm desert and being very anti social by typing on the computer so I plan to go visit soon. I just wanted to start on this blog as soon as I got the invite so here i am! I will be adding bunches of photos that I have of the family once I get more comfortable with the set up here and when i have access to my computer! Anyway i love you all and miss you very much! Sorry if this turns out all dorkish because i don't know what i am doing!

with love,

p.s. i have noticed that I share your guys' love for photography!



Blogger cc said...

Hey Kaleigh!!!! Super glad you are with us!!! Yay! Keep posting! And I'll get some pictures to you too.

6:18 AM  
Blogger selena said...


bring it on!!!

8:36 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Great to see you here. Keep us informed about the what's up on your end. Hi to everyone.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

It's really great to hear from you. We'd love to see some pictures and hear about what you all have been up to!

3:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay I will try to get some pictures up soon! Um i am going to make my mommy an account she needs help haha, she's well how do i say this nicely? Not very computer savvy. So will help her with that in good time. My sister is doing well; she is still together with Sean who is great and has been taking me to see shows (bands play.) We have become really close friends. We are still working on remodeling the house but the backyard is almost complete I'll put those pictures up soon! My mom is still riding her horse Darien and i got a beautiful horse named Doc. Daddy is working hard as usual so its nice to have the weekends for both of them to relax a little bit more. They are watching some movie downstairs right now, Babylon or something, i don't know. They say hi! Anyway I will update with more detail later as it is i don't really know what to say right now. I am about to go sleepover at my best friend Becky's house.
with love,

4:31 PM  

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