Friday, March 11, 2005


Hello, yes I know I've been kind of busy. I'm sorry. How is everyone? I am doing very well. I am waiting for a transfer to the Tigard store which is just down the road from me. It's a much shorter drive. It's a bigger store (Oregon's #1 winco sales wise) and is much nicer. I think I will enjoy working there.
I do spend a lot of my time talking to Jessica. We seem to find things to talk about even when they are totally random and otherwise stupid. It's something else.
I am looking forward to buying property up here sometime. I think it will be a great step forward for us, and myself in particular. I know some may have had doubts, but I definately believe I am responsible enough to take this on. Southwest/West Portland/Area is where I'm looking.
I still want to study, but I'm so undecided about what! I will probably just take a few classes here and there if nothing else to enrich myself. I may decide to go with a business degree. I still don't know. There's so much I want to learn.
My internet SUCKS. Just FYI when i'm signing on/off etc it's because I'm on wireless internet (free through my apartment) and it's very erratic. I have a hard time keeping a good signal for more than a minute or two. I will definately be investing in a good connection wherever I end up next.

Well that is all for now, it's 4:30 am and I need some sleep. Good days to you all :D


Blogger Blaine said...

I never thought you weren't responsible enough to own a home. It was my idea! Anyway, I'm sure we'll make it work somehow. Talk to you later.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Nobuko said...

MY long lost son! It's good to hear from you. I'll be looking forward to seeing your face soon!

5:27 PM  
Blogger cc said...

cool. sounds nice. i'm happy to hear from you. i wish i could see you too, but i guess we are both too busy to make it across the ocean right now. maybe in the summer!!?? i love you tons!!! i miss you tons!!! hugs and kisses!

6:12 PM  
Blogger selena said...

when are you transferring?
i think the property idea is a good one. just make sure you find something that's a good deal that you like! i've been browsing to look at stuff - they have some reasonable listings sometimes.

10:48 PM  

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