Tuesday, February 28, 2006

In Memory of Mom, Norma Hoy

Mom passed away two years ago today, Feb. 28th. Here's a rare moment with Papa (Takigawa). This was around 1993, at a Chinese Restaurant in (Aobadai?) when Mom was staying in Japan with us at Yokota AB.

Friday, February 24, 2006


ian sent me this photo of the view from their room at the prince hotel in hiroshima. i believe the island is miyajima, with mt. misen. it looks great! i want to go....

Friday, February 17, 2006

cup o' noodle

cup noodle
Originally uploaded by selenahoy.
i remember i used to love these when i was a kid. the chicken flavored ones. i loved to eat it barely cooked, still almost crunchy. extremely al dente. now it's oriental flavored top ramen for me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day to all of My Girls and Kevin

The title says it all.
Love yous.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Asako!

家 はどこ行ってもネコがいた。ニューヨークではあさ子が2歳ぐらいのときネコをしっぽをつかんで振り回していた。(その話は何度も聞いたでしょ。)この写真 ではネコが木の枝からぶら下がっているけど。。かわいそうに。だけど今はネコを自分の子供のようにかわいがっている。ネコ女。《人のことはあまり言えな い。自分の家もネコ屋敷。)
Akasaka, Tokyo, 1967. The Birthday Boy and Girl. We always had cats wherever we went. When we lived in New York when Asako was 2, she used to swing the cat around on its tail. (She's heard that story a million times). (Look at this picture - there's a cat hanging from the tree - poor thing) But now, she loves cats like they're her own children. Cat Woman. Of course, I can't talk, we live at the Cat Club.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

57th Yuki Matsuri

Originally uploaded by selenahoy.
We went to the snow festival in Sapporo the past weekend, and it was really awesome! The snow and ice sculptures were truly beautiful, and the kami-sama had favored us with a huge blizzard just prior to our arrival. It also snowed bucketsful during our stay. All in all, a great experience! I recommend everyone go at least once. Click through to flickr for more photos.

With your mocking children.....

A fun moment with the twerps.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Blaine Mathew Hoy

Blaine was born in Jackson Michigan on February 11th, 1949. He is the oldest of 7, including Steven, Debbie, Kathy, Judy, Lori, Mary, and himself. He was born to Robert James Hoy and Norma Elaine Hoy (Maiden Bouton)

Thanks for being my Dad. I love you.


P.S. Edited for Ignorance.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Masayasu (Machan)

Mother & Son. Buenos Aires, Argentina. October, 1963. This is what I remember. We lived in a haunted house. There was a rooftop terrace where my father used to sunbathe nude. We stacked up the living room cushions up to the ceiling, then got on the very top of the cushions and toppled to the floor. Remarkably we were still alive. Machan would eat in his high-chair and dinner time would be over and he would still be eating. The babysitter tried to clear his plate and he would cry very loudly.(You probably heard that story about a thousand times). お誕生日
おめでとう!Feliz Cumpleanos! Although I´m a day late... There was a courtyard in the middle of the house, with a small fountain. We would look at the water going down the drain and talk about how the water swirls counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere. (?) Altho Masayasu was too small to talk. Do you remember Buenos Aires? The enchanting city of your birth?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Masayasu

May you live long and prosper.

Monday, February 06, 2006

In remembrance...Minori Takigawa

It's been three years since my mother passed away. This was taken in May, 1979, in Sweden.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Do you need to brush your teeth?

Do you need to brush your teeth?
Originally uploaded by nobi99.
Well go somewhere else.The sink is my personal bed.